Article 21,27,28,30-Stimulus, pre-preparation method-Iqbal's definition-Such events that express it-Event conditions appear to be mental or physical

Article No.21= Motivation,Preparation, or Exhaust or Meditation or Conduct/ Practice


1- An incident is related, which triggered or formed or triggered or imposed a related incident

2- Complain about any alleged or action related to or relating to or relating to or relating to any member of any party of a party or any party of any party or any other person, against which any crime is relevant If the way mentioned is affected or influenced by any incidental or incidentally related incident, and whether or not it has come before or after

Article No.27= The events in which the presence of mental or physical or sense physical appears


The events which appear to be a good idea of ​​good mental intention, negligence, nausea blindness, misconduct, or charity, are relevant when there is a state of mental or physical or physical existence Requirements are related or incidental

Article No.28= Such incidents that indicate whether an act was accidental or intentional


When an inquiry of an inquiry is a matter of whether an action was a consensus or was intended or intentionally intended, then the verb of this incident was a sequence of such functions, each of which relates to the person acting. Was the event

Article No.30= Iqbal's definition


Iqbal is a verbal or written statement that comes to a logical result regarding an incidental incident or incident related incident, and has been given to any of the persons and those who have been mentioned later.

Article 21,27,28,30-Stimulus, pre-preparation method-Iqbal's definition-Such events that express it-Event conditions appear to be mental or physical Article 21,27,28,30-Stimulus, pre-preparation method-Iqbal's definition-Such events that express it-Event conditions appear to be mental or physical Reviewed by Police Force on November 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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