Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law

Chapter No. 1- Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law

Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law
Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law

International human rights standards for enforcement law

1- General Principles 2- Ethical and Legal Practice

General principle

Human Rights International Rights Ban is mandatory for all members of the United Nations and their law enforcement agencies to have a right and right source for international law testing petition law enforcement agencies of human rights International standards are bound to know and bring

Ethical and Legal Practice

1- The basic purpose of human rights is to raise humanity

2- Law enforcement agencies must respect and implement human rights at all times

3- Law enforcement agencies are in every situation bound to perform the duties they set to serve the human community

It is liable to be illegal workers according to their profession requirements

Against all people

4- Let law enforcement agencies not be involved in any type of corruption, but work to protect human rights with full force.

5- Law enforcement agencies must respect and protect every human honor

6- Every law of law enforcement agencies and the Police Department should be based on the principles of respect and respect for human rights.

We have written in this post that the law enforcement has written about the human rights standards and ethical and legal procedures for the law.

Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law Note the international human rights standards for the implementation law Reviewed by Police Force on January 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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