What are the ways to deal with anger?

What are the ways to deal with anger?

What are the ways to deal with anger
What are the ways to deal with anger?

When we realize that we are getting angry

(1)- Analysing our emotions because sometimes we express shame in anger.

(2)- It is beneficial to consider ways of dealing with anger, such as expressing anger over the one on whom anger is taking place. It does not have to be the kind of anger that causes harm to yourself and to others.

(3)- Express your feelings in front of those around you with whom you can discuss such a situation and by consulting them you can deal with this problem.

(4)- Ask such people to convey their feelings to the person you are angry with.

(5)- Determining the severity of anger. Level the anger from 1 to 10 and don't talk about the problem until your anger reaches level 6 or 7 so that you can calmly interact with the 
other person.

(6)- Try to calm yourself down in worship or other ways

(7)- Engage in some kind of work or other hobbies so as to divert your attention from drinking water, etc.

(8)- Rescue writing art or music or join sports

(9)- When the level of anger goes down, calmly talk to the person concerned with a balanced attitude.

What are the ways to deal with anger? What are the ways to deal with anger? Reviewed by Police Force on September 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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