while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest.

Section No.56- while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest.

while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest.
while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest.

When the SHO or any other police officer, who was investigating under Section 14 Code of Criminality, needed that any of his officials could arrest subordinate non-warrants, whose arrest could have been legitimate warrant, the officer must As a result of the arrest of the occupation, the written order name description is a crime or a crime which has to be handed over to him and to arrest the person before arresting it, notify him with the summary of the order of the order and if necessary The letter will also be displayed

Section No. 57 - refusing to mention the name as anonymity

1- If a person was committed to such an offense against a police officer or was convicted in a crime which was unacceptable and sought (to be asked), do not reveal his name and authority before the authority, which the official thinks is a false liar. It is necessary that you arrest a person so that his name can be comforted

2- If the person is named as a Sunnite person, then the person will be released by writing a written person or a written statement of Bahir-Zaman, and when he decides to appear before the magistrate, who has the authority to take the trial. However, the condition is that such a person does not have the confidence in the provinces and the provinces of the federal territory, so it is necessary to strengthen the fox with the responsibilities of the federal and provincial governments.

If a person can not find the right name and comfort within 24 hours from the time of arrest, if he was unable to provide a written report or a felicitableness enough enough, his challan would be presented immediately after the nearest magistrate. Who had the choice of hearing?

We have written in this post that the Registrar's officer sent his subordinate officer to the arrest warrant and refused to declare the name as anonymity and also praised both of these provisions.

while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest. while the prosecutor sent the police to their subordinate to call for warrant arrest. Reviewed by Police Force on December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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